GagiaBlu is starting business with its fifth harvest, the fruit of the knowledge we’ve built up about our land.

The Roselle area, historically of great importance in the segment of Maremma around Grosseto, has always been one of the areas with the lowest rainfall in all of Maremma. This factor leads to a lower incidence of disease in the vines and fuller ripening of the grapes, which in turn allows us to produce the kinds of showcase wines we’ve always aspired to.

Our Vermentino grapes, thanks to the dry summer and its sunshine needs, ripened beautifully and gave the must a full dose of its typical freshness and balance.

We harvested the Sangiovese in two separate stages: the first batch was harvested early for use in our classic-method sparkling and the second later on to be used as a still wine. Both are showing excellent promise from the early musts. This ‘doubling up’ served the twin purpose of thinning the vines and giving the grapes destined for the still wine a further month to ripen and become our Giovè.

With our Merlot, the real flagship of our winery, we’ve got a product that speaks eloquently for itself, and for us. Even though it’s the variety that was at greatest risk of fungal attacks this year, it managed to preserve all its worth thanks to the sun exposure of the vines and the unique climate in the area.

It wasn’t a particularly abundant harvest, just as in the whole of Maremma and Tuscany, but it’s produced results we’re very happy about and proud of, just as we’re happy and proud to have completed our first five years of experience in the vineyard.